Decorative cosmetology created to enhance women beauty.

Most popular procedures of decorative cosmetology are eyebrows and eyelashes coloring and correction, as well as choosing and applying correct make-up, that will emphasize the dignity, hide flaws and reveal individuality of the person.

There is nothing more beautiful than expressive eyes!

Contoured and perfectly shaped eyebrows give a woman well-groomed appearance and visually increase the size of her eyes.

Not every woman can boast of the ideal eyebrow form. Many women use decorative cosmetics every day to tint eyelashes and eyebrows, but this solution is not so comfortable. Some of the women do not like a lot of make-up on their face, especially during the summer period. Also, not every women dares to make a tattoo or eyelash extension.

Cosmetologist is a beauty stylist and artist in the same time. Thanks to his experienced hands the entire appearance of the client can be totally changed. For example, only the well-selected eyebrow shape can make big changes in the whole women appearance.






Eyebrow colouring and shape correction: 15,- €
Eyelashes colouring: 8,- €
Eyebrow colouring and shape correction + Eyelashes colouring 20,- €
Upper lip hair removal: 5,- €
Lower face hair removal: from 5,- to 30,- € {according to the size of working area}